The Xenomorph takes on the characteristics of its host being, therefore this one should be identical to the one from the first film since it was incubated inside a human. The alien was doglike because its host was a dog.Then again, we never really saw firearms get used against the first Alien, so maybe it had the same durability against bullets. Unless its host was taking steroids or something, there's really not much reason why the Drone should be any tougher than that one. But it came from the same batch of eggs as the Alien from the original movie.It's possible this one is simply a different kind of strain than his brethren. Aliens are also very divergent with the one in Alien 3 having characteristics of a dog.
This would actually explain why getting shot by the paranoiacs will injure, but not initially kill, you they're the equivalent of BB rounds. So it makes sense that they can't penetrate the alien's thick armor. Most of the weapons are undoubtedly used by the security on board the station and most likely use a special type of ammunition designed prevent hull breaches. That, and it's hard for Ripley to get a clean shot since she's not an experienced marksman and the Alien moves very fast. Though an In-Universe explanation might be that the revolvers are very weak and weren't really meant to shoot anything that was built to last. There's only one Alien in the game Most of it, anyway, and if you could only take it out with just a few bullets, then the game wouldn't really have much else to go on. Plot Armor, combined with Conservation of Ninjutsu. Why is the Alien Immune to Bullets? Wasn't a harpoon gun able to tear clean through its torso in the first movie?. Essentially, the Megacorps are giant melting pots. There's a good chance that Seegson also has Japanese businesses incorporated into it, thus leading to Sevastopol having Japanese and English signage. Do you think that Weyland-Yutani is the only Megacop that has Japanese incorporated into it? It's possible that every Megacorp in the Alien universe has a mix of various different cultures, which more than includes Japanese being the most dominate in them. The latter corp only appears in the story to 'buy' the station in order to study the Aliens inside. Except Sevastopol was owned by Seegson, not Weyland-Yutani.
The Yutani is a Japanese company that incorporated with Weyland Corporation years before the events of the first film. Considering that in this point in the timeline of the franchise, there are Megacorps, and we know of one that has Japanese incorporated into it: Weyland-Yutani.Why is all the signage on Sevastopol in English and Japanese? Does the station have a large complement of Japanese citizens on board or something?.Per wiki policy, Spoilers Off applies here and all spoilers are unmarked.