It leads to a lot of conflicting product reviews like "this is the only product I've found that lasted for more than 6 months and I love the metal accents!" right next to "This is 100% plastic and broke after 3 months of light use. Amazon CloudSearch provides features to index and search both structured data and plain text, including faceted search, free text search, Boolean search expressions, customizable relevance ranking, query time rank expressions, field weighting, searching and sorting of results using any field, and text processing options including tokenization. At first I thought it was just because I was getting very accurate knock off products (which can happen) but it turns out amazon is just a terrible online store. These variables can be enabled with the SET statement by setting them to ON or 1, or disabled by setting them to OFF or 0. The Dreaded Boolean Search Getting into the nitty gritty of UX and Boolean Search If we get into our way-back machine and travel all the way back to 1997 here is Jakob Nielsen’s advice. A good feature (reliability, quality materials, etc) may not be true when it arrives. Knex.js is a batteries included SQL query builder for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Better-SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift. You have the same problem with positive reviews. It returns results from pages on the site. Faceted search, free text search, Boolean search expressions. If I'm looking at what seems to be a nice pair of headphones to wear while cleaning around the house but don't buy them because multiple people say they slip off your head easily when looking down I could easily find a friend who has those same pair without that problem because they fixed that issue with the current model. This uses the metadata on item pages, like title, creator, description, subjects, etc. The fundamental text search engine of Amazon CloudSearch is Apache Solr. Unfortunately, Amazon managed to screw that up to by slapping the same reviews on very different products. You do have to have to sift through a lot of useless complaining, but it was worth it to find something that you know would drive you crazy or wasn't compatible with what you had in mind. Say I'm looking for TVs my price range is 0-300 and it must be in new condition and it must be eligible for. It seems like if I do a search, it will return results where there exist sellers that fit each criterion, but not all of them. however, i find the reviews still useful, if you only look at all negative ones. I've noticed that Amazon's search will often return items that do not fit the criteria I am looking for.